The Penn State Millennium Scholars Program is designed to ensure scholars not only graduate from Penn State, but also that they go on to become leaders in their chosen fields.

Millennium Scholars receive academic, professional, social, and financial support to ensure students have all the tools they need to achieve academic excellence and success together. In-state Scholars receive scholarships equivalent to the cost of tuition and the cost of room and board for a standard double room. Out-of-State Scholars receive scholarships equivalent to the cost of tuition that may be combined with other awards up to the full cost of attendance.
Summer Bridge
An intensive six-week bridge program, held during the summer before the first year for all incoming Millennium Scholars, is an integral part and signature of this program. Completion of the Summer Bridge is required to matriculate into the Millennium Scholars Program at Penn State.
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The program covers the costs of tuition, room-and-board, and a variety of professional development activities during the Summer Bridge. During the six-week bridge, the scholars; (1) begin their academic careers and build relationships within their cohort, (2) take rigorous foundational courses and seminars in math, professional communication skills, chemistry, and engineering, (3) receive an introduction to research at Penn State, (4) learn important life skills, including time management, problem-solving, and smart study habits, (5) participate in team-building exercises, community service opportunities, social events, field trips to national labs, museums, and industrial partners.
Scholarly Community
The Penn State Millennium Scholars are a small, tight community of learners, living and working together in a family-like community.
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Studying in groups is strongly and consistently encouraged, with scholars from older cohorts contributing to new students’ success. Millennium Scholars live on campus during their first two years of study, and then may choose to stay on campus or move off campus during the third and fourth year.
Academic & Personal Coaching
In addition to advising through their academic colleges and departments, Millennium Scholars receive personalized attention from an academic and administrative team dedicated to their personal and professional success. Assistant Program Directors help scholars navigate their academic studies and lives at a large research university.
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Additionally, Millennium Scholars staff provide resources and support for scholars to participate in study abroad opportunities, attend scientific conferences to present the results of their research, and ultimately enroll in top graduate programs in their chosen fields.
Research experience is critical when preparing for Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. programs. Penn State’s world-class faculty offer scholars engaging and interactive learning environments in their research labs.
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Scholars are required to participate in Penn State research labs during the academic year as well as Summer Research Experience opportunities or internships on and off of Penn State’s campus. The Millennium Scholars Program provides advice and contacts to help scholars obtain summer internships and opportunities to work in research laboratories on campus during each academic year. Scholars are required to complete a research thesis, which helps prepare them for graduate school and future research.
Scholar Expectations
In order to successfully participate in the MSP and graduate as a Scholar, students must follow all program requirements.
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- Be intentional about emotional, mental and physical health
- Complete Summer Bridge
- Be an active participant in the MSP and Penn State community
- Maintain 3.5 GPA
- Attend all MSP activities (Weekly MSP Seminars, family meetings, check-ins with staff, etc.)
- Participate in STEM Research; Summer and Academic Year
- Live in the MSP living and learning community for the first two years
- Delay joining fraternity or sorority until the third year
- Complete a Senior Research Thesis or Publication
- Apply to graduate PhD programs